Digital Citizenship Project Narrative

The UDL Guidelines (Universal Design for Learning) were a key component of each of the DC projects. A framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning, based on scientific findings on how individuals learn. What I’ve learned by using a variety of platforms to build my Digital Citizenship projects, including YouTube, Instagram, Canva, Screencastify, Google Slides, Adobe Spark, Word Press, and many other tools that have allowed me to develop lessons. Each of the tools I chose to use provided me the freedom to be creative with my ideas and produce a unique end product. It may appear to be simple to use, but the reality is that it is difficult to finish the task. I set a goal for myself to use new platforms that I had never used before and to learn how to incorporate my ideas.

Across the three Digital Citizenship Projects, my goal was to have a consistent color scheme and theme throughout my work to make it more appealing. I kept the sentences brief because they were written for second-graders, and my goal was to make them easy to understand. Receiving feedback from peers and sharing my feedback along the road allowed me to get insight into how I could improve my website each time. Taking their opinions into account allowed me to make improvements and ponder on the suggestions made to make it more interesting for viewers in general. Using the UDL rules and peer feedback helped me earn recommendations and acquire confidence in my work.

In terms of my path, it’s all been about understanding how to build ideas utilizing technology and how critical it is to continue learning from mistakes to make those improvements that result in positive outcomes. I am pleased with how my findings have turned out, but I am open to making changes along the way. I’ll go over the UDL criteria again to help me continue to develop more content and confidence in my future job. It will be beneficial to have it to produce activities and to learn from this experience to continue creating various types of media to educate my future pupils. It will enable me to be more self-assured in my career.

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